Wanting that false lash look all the time? Then these are for you!
2 hr2 hr
45 British pounds
Bolus Lane
Service Description
False lashes are the big rage at the moment but who can be bothered with taking them on and off constantly? Russian lash extensions give you that full false lash look without the need for the heavy band or sticky glue! At least 24 hours before your appointment, you'll need to come in for a patch test to make sure you're not allergic to the glue. I would appreciate if you came to the appointment with no make up on, thank you! You will also need to fill out a client consultation form when you arrive.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please allow for at least 24 hours to contact me on 07415465763 or my email at maddybennettbeauty@gmail.com. Thank you!